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You will need a triangle, circle template, ruler, drafting tape, HB pencil, soft pencil, and a sheet of paper.


Use your circle template and HB pencil to draw a circle. Use the largest circle for the best results.

Step 1

Draw a regular geometric shape inscribed in the circle. I used a hexagon since I could use my 30-60 triangle to draw it, but you could use your adjustable triangle to draw another shape.

Step 2

Use the same diameter circle as before to reflect the arcs of the circle into the shape. This imitates the leaf shape found in the seed germ and repeats it around the geometric shape.

Step 3

Begin to gesture in organic growth. I referenced Sullivan's drawings and expanded some of the curves, emphasized important lines, added additional axes, and created a stem at the bottom. You can use your ruler to proportion your form. Use the seed germ or another form to inform your gesture and work to give your composition a unique character.

Step 4

In this step I extended my gesture to completely envelop the geometric form. For the sake of time, this step is optional and you can stick with a more basic gesture.

Step 5 (optional)

Use the HB and Ebony pencils to add shadow to your drawing and create a hierarchy of form. When you're done, sign and date your drawing and email a picture to Dr. Amundson and then post your drawing on one of the white display panels in junior studio by the meeting table.

Step 6

Created by Emma Okesson. For educational use only. Proudly created with

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